Business Insights
Sharing collective intelligence and insights with you.
Tech is the Next Growth Wave
Cyprus geographic placement, capable service sector, EU membership, interconnectivity, British law heritage, and Mediterranean lifestyle are very...
Leading Through A Business Crisis
A business crisis is defined as an event, or a series of numerous events, that cause significant interruption to an organisation. Crises naturally...
Successful Employee Communication
Employee communication is certainly aligned to culture and internal marketing but it’s not the same thing. Employee communication involves sharing...
Rising Interest Rates & SMEs
Central banks are tasked with preserving economic stability within a country's financial system. By using powerful financial policies, they...
Successful Financial Management
Financial management is the practice of making sure that all company wide short and long term goals are supported by a prudent and proactive...
Cash Flow is King
Cash flow is formally defined as the (real or virtual) movement of money, but in business, the term is mostly used to show inbound or outbound...
Proper Data Usage
For the past decade Data (or Big Data) is constantly mentioned by business articles and industry front-runners as a central driver of corporate...
Finding New Customers
Whether you are an SME owner or a Director of a large firm, the fact is you need good customers. But before we even start talking about that, there...
Good Reputation is Priceless
Our actions + what others say about us = our reputation. This playful calculation is the most powerful formula we will ever have in life - and as a...